Trumps Bridge Centre

Wrong declarer

PM wrote:

We had an odd thing happen at our every Saturday afternoon bridge game. This has never happened before in my 40 years of playing bridge. I was dealer playing North and bid 1 heart, the other team passed all the way through, so I won't mention their bids. This is how it went.

N       S
1H     1NT
2S     3S
All pass

The other team asked who is declarer and I said it was me. My partner said he started spades and he is declarer. I said OK and left the room to get some drinks. I realized after a few minutes that I started spades and should be playing the hand. I thought it best to let it play out and then tell them that the wrong partner played the hand. He made the bid and I then explained the bidding and they all agreed that the wrong person played the hand. After a few minutes of discussion, we decided that since the hand played out, it should stand. If I had brought it up during the play, the hand would be stopped and there would be a new deal. OK, after this long question, what is the rule if the wrong partner plays the hand? Thanks for any help with this.


DB replied: 


Hi Paul, once the wrong declarer starts to play the hand, the deal continues and is scored as usual.